This report lists on hand inventory that has an expiration date. Supports the display of special characters, such as Chinese characters.
Note: To view this report as a PDF, select Print and choose Microsoft Print to PDF.
Report Modification Options
- Order By - Select how the parts are ordered: Part Num or Location.
- Status - Choose which expiration date statuses to show. Valid=Expiration date is at least 30 days away. Expiring=Expiration date is less than 30 days away. Expired=Expiration date has passed. All=Shows all of the statuses.
- Location Group - Choose a specific location group to run the report for. Leave this field blank to run for all location groups.
- Location - Choose a specific location to run the report for. Leave this field blank to run for all locations.
- Part Number - Choose a specific part number to run the report for. Leave this field blank to run for all part numbers.
- Date Range - Enter an expiration date range to run the report for. This date range looks at the expiration date of the item. If the expiration date is not in the date range, the inventory will not be listed on the report.
- Format Report for Exporting - Removes the page breaks and displays the report on one long page for exporting to CSV, Excel, and other formats.